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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1092c44a.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-12  |  178KB  |  454x481  |  8-bit (232 colors)
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OCR: THE BEST SAVINGS YIELDS IN THE U.S. Yaido Yielder Weeks i Telapham ratin Instiution stato) Ju29 MONEY -MARKET ACCOUNTS Key Bank U.S.A. [N.Y. 3.87 3.973 $2.500 800.872 5553 Colonial National Bank (Dcl.) 3.82 3.92 5.070 800-441-7305 First tDeposit NationalBank[ [N.H.] 3.70 3.92 5,000 800-821.9049 Washington Federal iSarings Bank(D.C.] 3.66 3.76 2,500 703.478 .9100 New South Federal Savings [Ala.] 3.56 3.82 1.000 800-36-3030 SIX- -MONTH CDs Southern Pacific Thrift gLoan (Calif. 3.87 3.98 5,000 800-428- 5051 Continental I Savingsof America [Callf.] 080 3.90 500 415-861-5554 Atlantic Banka Trust (Mass. 3.80 3.45 2,600 800-727-2223 First tBankaf Beverly THills (Calif.) 3.80 3.80 L,000 800-621-5969 MBNA America(DeL) 7 2.500 800-345-0397 ONE-YEARCDs ContinentlalS Savings 1ot America (Callf.] 4.25 ...